SetAuthor(“fpdf”); $pdf->SetTitle(“Clarke H&S Certificate”); // Add custom font // Read: for more info //$pdf->AddFont(“Trebuchet”); //$pdf->SetFont(“Trebuchet”, “”, 16); $pdf->SetFont(“Times”, “”, 20); // Set line drawing defaults $pdf->SetDrawColor(224); $pdf->SetLineWidth(1); // Load the base PDF into template $pdf->setSourceFile(“template.pdf”); $tplidx = $pdf->ImportPage(1); // Add new page & use the base PDF as template $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->useTemplate($tplidx); $pdf->SetXY(39,93); $pdf->Cell(128, 12, $certdata[‘name’], 0,0,”C”); $pdf->SetXY(63,120); $pdf->Cell(80, 12, date(“jS F Y”,strtotime($certdata[‘date’])), 0,0,”C”); $pdf->SetXY(39,148); $pdf->Cell(128, 12, $certdata[‘course’], 0,0,”C”); $pdf->SetXY(59,176); $pdf->Cell(88, 12, date(“jS F Y”,strtotime($certdata[‘exp’])), 0,0,”C”); $pdf->SetXY(31,206); $pdf->Cell(144, 12, $certdata[‘inst’], 0,0,”C”); $pdf->SetXY(31,231); $pdf->Cell(65, 12, date(“j/m/Y”,strtotime($certdata[‘issued’])), 0,0,”C”); $pdf->SetXY(109,231); $pdf->Cell(65, 12, $certdata[‘id’], 0,0,”C”); //$dest=”S”; // I inline D dowload S string $filename = $certdata[‘id’].” “.$certdata[‘name’].”.pdf”; return($pdf->Output($dest, $filename)); } // Main if (isset($_GET[‘action’])) { $action = $_GET[‘action’]; } else { $action = ‘default’; } if ($action==”fixcsv”) { echo ‘Checking CSV for date errors…’; fix_dates_in_CSV(); die(‘File updated.’); } if ($action == ‘addcert’) { // Add new cert $cert_data = get_certdata(); $action = ‘new’; // show form again } if ($action==’genpdf’) { // Are we making a PDF now otherwise we’re showing the interface // Ok lets generate the certificate now $cert_data = get_certdata(); $cert = make_cert($cert_data); } if ($action==’genzip’) { // Are we getting a zip of PDF files? if (isset($_GET[‘date’])) { $filterdate = $_GET[‘date’]; } else { die(‘Invalid filter date!’); } $certfile = fopen(“certs.csv”, “r”) or die(“Unable to open file!”); $zip = new ZipArchive; $res = $zip->open($zipfile, ZipArchive::OVERWRITE); if ($res === TRUE) { // zip opened? $i = 0; $certs = array(); while (!feof($certfile)) { $certdata = fgetcsv($certfile); //var_dump($certdata); if (($certdata[0] == “ID”) || ($certdata[0] == “”)) continue; $cert_data[‘id’] = $certdata[0]; $cert_data[‘date’] = $certdata[1]; $cert_data[‘exp’] = $certdata[2]; $cert_data[‘name’] = $certdata[3]; $cert_data[‘course’] = $certdata[4]; $cert_data[‘inst’] = $certdata[5]; $cert_data[‘issued’] = $certdata[6]; if ($filterdate == $cert_data[‘date’]) $certs[$cert_data[‘id’].” “.$cert_data[‘name’].”.pdf”] = make_cert($cert_data,”S”); } if (count($certs) > 0) { foreach ($certs as $filename => $filestring) { $zip->addFromString($filename, $filestring); } $zip->close(); echo ‘Zipfile created – Download‘; } else { die(‘No certficates found!’); } } else { die(‘Failed to create zip file!’); } exit; } // Interface ?> Clarke Health and Safety – Certificate System
Expiry DateCandidate NameCourse NameInstructor NameIssue Date
Cert ID */ ?> Expiry */ ?> Course */ ?> “; if ((!isset($filterdate)) || ($filterdate == $certdate)) { echo ““; ?>
Date Name Instructor IssuedActions
Download all as Zip Archive

‘; } if ($dateerrors === TRUE) { echo ‘

Invalid date format detected in csv file please click here to fix!

‘; } break; case “restore”: // Restore database case “delete”: // Delete database echo ‘

Not implemented

‘; case “maintenance”: // Database maintenance menu ?>